Terms and Conditions
Chauffeur and Limousine Service


4, rue Béranger
75003 Paris – France

To contact us:

Tel.: +33 (0)9 50 72 00 12
E-mail address : resa@gblimousines.fr

Web Site: www.gutandberglimousines.com

Additional information:

Ldt company with a capital of 10 000 €
Siret: 538 446 667 00015
CE VAT number: FR 80 538446667
Code NAF: 4932Z
ATOUT FRANCE registration number: EVTC075120009

Terms and conditions of sale:

Our prices include VAT at the rate fixed by the regulations for the provision of transport (*), the chauffeur service, fuel and unlimited “transported people” insurance. Tolls, parking fees and meals are the responsibility of passengers.

Luggage is allowed up to 30 kg per person and remains under the care of the passenger.

On request, a transport record is issued to the passenger at the end of the service.

For any specific request, a prepayment by credit card will be requested, except for customers with long-term accounts.

Methods of payment accepted: cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, American Express, Master Card…).

All transport service are payable upon completion. If the passenger has a customer account an invoice will be issued, payable upon receipt before the 15th day of the month following its completion.

Any transport service not canceled by email or text message 2 hours before the scheduled time will be due..

Complaints are only admissible within 8 days after completion of the transport service performance.